Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wednesday January 7, 2015

A) Warm up 3 Rounds 
2 Seated Legless Rope Climb 
5 Muscle ups 
50 Double Unders

B) 10min Work up to a heavy Clean

C) 10min EMOM 3 Cleans 225/135lbs 2 Muscle ups

Do) 3 Rounds 
15 Deadlifts 275/195lbs 
50 Wall Balls 30/20lbs 
Every time you stop or drop the ball you must do 1 Burpee Bar Muscle up


  1. A)built up to 250 squat clean (my squat clean, not a pr but I hadn't been able to get more then 245 in a while for a squat clean so im kinda happy with it, might of been able to go for more buy im trying to stick to smaller jumps)
    B)first 8 rounds were completed in the min, 9th round took an extra 10 seconds and 10th round I fell apart and failed a few reps on the clean but got threw it about a min to long, MUs were easy
    shout out to Dan who said I was a wimp (cant say actual word on here) for trying to do it at lighter weight and made me do it at 225.

    1. I believe I called you a pussy, or a derivative of one. Glad you took that as motivation - as was intended. PS you killed it. Congrats!
