Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday January 6, 2015

a) Spend 10 minutes work on Hand Stand Walks

B) Snatch 5x 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS

C) 5 Rounds
30 Cal Airdyn or Row
20 Box Jump overs 24é20"
20 Pullups


  1. a) slowly getting the hang of this, but not as fast as I'd like
    b) worked up to 130 lbs
    c) finished, but clock was reset during the workout so no idea how long it took. Let's just say it seemed like forever.

  2. b) warm up 95 115 145
    sets 165 175 175 185 195(pr power snatch 10lbs)
    tried for a 205 power snatch but caught it in a full bottomed out snatch
    C)20 03 (did the last set of pull ups unbroken trying desperately to get in under 20 min)
