Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday January 10, 2015

A1) 60 burpees to target 
Rest 3 mins
A2) 50 overhead squats 105/75
Rest 3 mins
A3) 2 rounds 
20 power clean and jerks 105/75
20 chest to bar pull-ups 
Rest 3 mins 
A4) 2 rounds 
30 wallballs 20/14lbs
5 muscle ups 
Rest 3 mins 
A5) 1 round 
20 thrusters 105/75
20 toes to bar 
Rest 3 mins 
A6) 3mins Amrap 
10 power snatch 
10 pistols 

1 comment:

  1. A1) 0-4:50
    A2) 7:50 - 12:26
    A3) 15:26 - 29:22 --- I don't wanna talk about this time... Broke down cried- wanted to quit Crossfit for life. had a break after every 5 reps and a few minutes after the first round. But eventually decided I couldn't finish the rest if I didn't finish this.
    A4) 32:22- 39:42
    A5) 42:32 - 46:50
    A6) 1 round 10 snatches.
