Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friday January 30, 2015

A) Warmup 3rds not for time 
8 strict chest to bars 
10 strict dips 
8 kipping hspu

B) 66%x5
1x20 5 lbs heavier then last week

C) 15min Find a heavy Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

D) WORKOUT 14.1 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
 30 double-unders
 75/55lb. power snatches, 15 reps


  1. B. I only squatted, cut my foot and can't wear shoes but didn't wanna miss the SQERTS!!!!
    180, 205, 235, 250 (only 4) then 20@ 155

  2. A) complete
    B) 265, 305, 345x1 - shit squat day,
    C) 255
    D) 297 reps PR

  3. B)squats-210, 240, 270, 285 (with belt), 20x175(no belt)
    C)built up to 205 but didn't have a lot of time so I stopped and did the wod
    D)303- small pr since last years open, but my back was fried from the squats and I didn't push all that hard so im trying to find some upsides to it.
