Sunday, January 18, 2015

Monday January 19, 2015

Congrats to Alex for placing 2nd in the 2015 Canadian Junior Nationals of Weightlifting in Winnipeg this weekend.    

) 3rds not for time
12 chest to bars 
10 strict dips
8 kipping hspu 

B) front squat 
Quickly find a 3 RM

C) front squat 
3x3 @90% of your 3RM
Rest 2-3mins between sets 

D) Jerk 
Quickly build to a 1RM 

E) Push Press * Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% * Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% * Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70-75% * Set 4 – 3 reps @ 75-80% * Set 5 – 10 reps @ 85+%

F)3 sets of 
 3min Amrap 
15 power snatch 75/55lbs 
30 double unders 
Rest 3 mins 


  1. A. Only thing I felt good about here was the strict ring dips- never thought is hear myself say that!
    B. 190
    C. 175
    D. Tried 180 3 times but no dice
    E. 65, 75, 90, 100, then 105 (actually should here been 107) but didn't finish the set unbroken coz FUCK me it felt heavy
    F. Set 1- 2+ 6 snatch
    Set 2- 2+ 3 snatch
    Set 3- 2+ 4 snatch
    And my forearms were fried


  2. A) complete
    B) 145lbs 3rm
    C) 130lbs 3x3
    D) 125lbs (1RM131)
    E) set 1-45
    Set 2-55
    Set 3-65
    Set 5-75
    SECOND- 1+14snatches

  3. A) Done
    B) 245 lb 3RM
    C) 220 lbs
    D) Didn't push hard on this, focused on dropping lower than I usually do. Stopped at 205 lbs
    E) Skipped
    F) 2 rounds, 1 round + 15 snatch, 1 round

  4. B)front squats- PR was 255 before today
    triples at 185, 225, 245(with belt), then hit 2 at 265(with belt) but failed the third rep,
    C)did it based off 260 as a 3 rep max
    3x3 at 235(no belt)
    D)185, 225, 245, 265, 275(pr), 285(pr) 290(F)
    E)skipped, might do bench later this week to catch up on the presses
    F) round 1)2 and 10 snatches
    round 2) 2 and 1 snatch
    round 3)2 and 1 snatch

  5. A) Complete
    B) 295x3 315x1
    C) 3x3 @ 266
    D) 285
    E) 5x125 - 5x150 - 5x170 - 3x185 - 10x210 (3, 4, 3,)
    F) We decided to mix it up a little and instead of starting every round from scratch, we continued from where we left off in the previous round.
    1 - 2+12 (snatches)
    2 - 2 + 6 (double unders)
    3 - 1 + 27 (double unders)

  6. Worked up to a 315x3 (PR) and 325x3 (PR) front squat.
