Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday January 20, 2015

A) Warm up 5x30ft HSW

B) 10min EMOM 1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat 80-90% 1RM

C) 4 minutes every 15 seconds 2 Power Snatch 125/90lbs

D) 3 Rounds For Time: 
20 Wall Balls 30/20lbs 
40 Double Unders 
20 Burpees


  1. A) Still a long way to go on this but making a little progress
    B) Was not happy with this, having shoulder trouble. Only made it up to 115lbs
    C) 115 lbs
    D) 13:01

  2. A. Doneski
    B. All at 125
    C. Got spicy very quickly but done
    D. 10:55 and still don't like burpees

  3. A) Complete. Worked on 30ft - turn - 30ft unbroken.
    B) 10 x 190
    C) Complete
    D) 7:58

  4. A) Been spending time on HSW's and am happy with progress so far.
    B) 115lbs
    C) all at 125lbs
    D) 12:55

  5. A) complete. did 30ft turn 30ft twice and then one single.
    B) 5 x 115, 3 x 120, 2 x 125
    C) complete
    D) 10:41
    For fun I did hsw for 100m after this and I popped blood vessels in my face and kind of have black eyes LOL.

  6. warmed up some heavy singles before the emom, built up to 195 (no speed today)
    B)10x 175(no failures)
