Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015

A) 3 rounds not for time 
5-7 muscle ups 
50 double unders 
8 Strict TTB

B) 12min Cap 3x3 Power Clean T&G

C) 60seconds on 
rest 2minutes 
Max Effort Power Cleans 

Thrusters 95/65lbs 
Burpee over Bar


  1. A) Warm-up, done. Focused on a super smooth transition from the hips to rings to the ring dip position. Shoulders don't feel blasted when I muscle up anymore.
    B) Had to skip.
    C) 135lbs x 12
    155 x 7
    185 x 6
    205 x 4
    225 x 1 (and several failed lifts)
    D) Had to skip.

  2. A) done
    B) 65, 85, 100, 105,
    5lbs for 3RM
    C) 65-18
    75- 17
    85- 15
    95- 10
    105 - 8
    D) had to skip ran out of time

  3. A. Shoulders seem to need a lot more time to warm up for muscle up stuff
    B. Got up to 155, missed the last rep so I'm pretty happy to nail it today
    C. Reps went as follows: 25, 18, 9, 7 and 3 (a very noisy 3)
    D. 16:07 and hated every minute

  4. b) 225, 240, 250(#rep PR) (also that's my 1 rep squat clean)
    C)135: 23 reps
    155: 17 reps
    185: 10 reps(should of started singles at this weight)
    205: 8 reps
    225: 5 reps

    1. 250 was a *3 rep pr. or maybe I accidently learned how to hashtag?????
