Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cristini Programming Details and Requirements

Welcome to a new Program designed for anyone who is interested in competing in the Sport of CrossFit. Cristini Programming (CP) is meant for any member of CrossFit Markham, Reebok CrossFit East Woodbridge or anyone who has a place to train but doesn't have a program.
It will involve multiple cycles leading up to the 2015 CrossFit Open. Including different strength, gymnastic and met-con cycles. We will be starting the program October 6th.

This program will take anywhere from 1-2 hours. If you plan on doing CP during class time at CFM or RCFEW you will have 1 hour to get through as much as possible. If you go over the hour, the next class will have priority over the equipment needed for the day. If they do not need the equipment, you can continue as needed.
If you do CP during class times, you are still expected to go through the warm ups with the class and be a part of the group.
Anyone can use this Programming during Open Hours at CFM or RCFEW.

There is a list of standards that you should be able to meet before you can do CP during class times at CFM or RCFEW.
They are meant to allow those with more then basic understanding of CrossFit, to train with a more sport/performance oriented program.
The reason for these requirements is that this programming will not involve scaling of any movements and will also mean decreased physical coaching during class times. Basically you should know what you're doing
before you try this program.

For any member of CFM or RCFEW wishing to do CP during class times, email us for approval. Here is a list of things you can use to see if CP is for you and if you are ready for the program.

6 Months CrossFit Experience
Backsquat 1.5x body weight
Deadlift 1.75x bodyweight
Shoulder Press 0.75x bodyweight
Clean and jerk Bodyweight
Snatch 0.75x bodyweight

Highly Proficient in Strict/Kipping HSPU, Muscle ups and Chest to bar pullups etc

Highly proficient in Kipping HSPU, ring dips, chest to bar pullups etc

When you are done your workouts, make sure to post your scores in the comments below the WOD.