Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wednesay January 28, 2015

A) warm up 
3 rounds 
10 chest to bars 
50 double unders 
8 handstand push-ups 

B) 12min Cap 3 Power Clean T&G

C) 60seconds rest 2minutes 
Max Effort Power Cleans 135/95 155/105 185/130 205/145 225/155

D) 7 minutes amrap
3 power clean to overhead 135/95lbs
3 toes to bar 


  1. A) Complete
    B) Worked up to 195 x 3 T&G. Got 205 x 1 power clean.
    C) Did some utility work for my shoulder instead.
    D) +5 power clean to oh into the set of 15. (65 total).

  2. A)skipped
    D)83 reps (pretty pathetic, should be doing a lot better on this wod)
    all in all, big day

  3. A) done
    B) I did 165 x 1 and 165 x 2 but couldn't get the third rep. Disappointing bc I got 165x3 last week and felt I maybe could've done more without the time cap.
    C) 19-same as last week/14-1 less/8-2less/8-1more/5-failed 6th -2 more
    D) 1 rep into the round of 15s.....

    I also did 13.1 in the morning. 160 reps.
