Monday, January 26, 2015

Tuesday January 27, 2015

A) Warm up 5x30ft HSW

B) 10min EMOM Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat 80-90% 1RM

C) 4 minutes every 15 seconds 2 Power Snatch 135/100lbs

D)3 Rounds 
30 Wall Balls 
30 Burpees 
15 Toes to Bar


  1. A) 1 x 30', 2 x 30' turn 30'
    D) I did this first because I was freezing and also for my time management. I always take so long on the strength portions bc I'm procrastinating the hard part...
    16:07 - not happy with this time. Need to do like 100 burpees everyday for time. Going to start tonight. Did my toes to bar in sets of 5 and kept up the kip but lost it in my last round. Need to do 100 of these everyday too. I need to spend 11hrs in the gym per day I guess.

    B) 115 x 2, 120 x 3, 125 x 3, 130 x 2.
    I failed first attempt at 130 but still got the successful one in the minute but last minute I had to take 3 attempts so I went over the 10 minute mark by 30 seconds to get it done.

    C) ughh... 100lbs is so much more than 90.
    In the first 2 minutes, I hit 2 every 15 seconds. In the third minute I hit 2/15 sec only once and 1/15seconds for the rest of the minute and same with the 4th minute, hit 2/15 only once. My technique was falling apart and I struggled with touch and go then by the time I would get set up for rep 2 I was too late. Ufhh I'm mad and wanna try again. Because I know I could've fought through it.

  2. I just did the wod - 14:25

    And my first muscle up in almost a year (woooo!)

  3. A) done
    B) done 80%-80lbs
    C) 65lbs, missed a few
    D) 15:20, wallballs -14lbs

  4. A) Tried. Slowly getting there
    B) 190ish + snach balance. Missed 205
    C) Complete
    D) 17:34

  5. A) Complete
    B) 190 - same as last week
    C) Complete
    D) 16:16 - This was absolutely horrible....

  6. A)did a couple 40ft walks then 2 40ft handstand walk races, I learned that when I try and rush the start it takes me way longer, got my ass kicked.
    B)this seemed like it wouldn't be as fun as heavy singles, so did that for about half an hour. 185, 195, 205(f), 205(f), 205(f), 210
    C)complete- starting to get pretty spicy, but I guess it is about a 3:40 Isabel
    D)17:28-burpies r stupid and I hate them!!!
