Sunday, January 11, 2015

Monday January 12, 2015

A) 3 rounds not for time
5-7 muscle ups
50 double unders
15ft handstand walk

B) front squat find a 4 RM 

C) Front squat 3x4 at 90%of 4RM

D)  Jerk 3 x 1 x 95%+

E) Push Press * Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% * Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% * Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70-75% * Set 4 – 3 reps @ 75-80% * Set 5 – 10 reps @ 75-80% * Set 6 – 10 reps @ 70-75% * Set 7 – 10 reps @ 65-70%

F) 3 rounds 
airdyne 15 cals
20 Shoulder to overhead 95/65lbs
Rest 3mins


  1. A) Handstand walks - 5 steps PR
    B) 275# ( should be able to hit 295#)
    C) 245#
    D) 225, 275, 275
    E) 125, 150, 175, 190, 190, 175, 165
    F) 1:45, 1:45, 1:45

  2. Have some homework from Coach Yuki for this week. Did weightlifting programming for most of it. Incorporated B) and C).

    B) 250 x 4
    C) 3 x 4 @ 225

  3. A) I must be crazy cuz I swear I didn't see this when I looked at the workout, oh well
    B)hit 255 for 4 (with belt)
    C) 3x4 at 230(no belt)
    D)warmed up then hit 255 for 3
    E) did the first 4 sets but didn't wanna push my shoulder to much after it got all bothered on Saturday and knowing I had 60 S2O ahead of me
    F) 59 sec, 1 00, 1 03 (unbroken on all 3 sets just slowed down at the end a bit)

  4. A. Obvi no muscle ups :(
    B. 185
    C. 165
    D. 155
    E. 65,75,90,95,95,85,80
    F. 10:55

  5. A) Complete

    B) 4RM Front Squat 255

    C) Front Squat 3x4 @ 230

    D) Jerk - 95% would have been 300lbs but I took some time off over the break (which probably wasn't a great idea) and wasn't able to get past 275.

    E) Push Press
    5X50% - 125
    5x60% - 150
    5x70% - 172
    3x75% - 184
    10x75% - 184 (Sets of 4-4-2)
    10x70% - 172 (Sets of 5-5)
    10x65% - Did not complete. Ran out of time.

    F) Did not complete. Ran out of time.
