Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monday January 26, 2015

A) 3 rounds 
10 chest to bars 
50 double unders
8 kipping handstand pushups

B) front squat find a 2 rep max 

C) front squat 3x2 reps at 90% of 2RM 
Rest 3 mins between sets

D) Push Press increase 10lbs every minute 135/95lbs

E) 10 min Amrap 
10 shoulder to overhead 
30 double unders 
Max reps at 155/225


  1. A) Done
    B) Stopped at 245 lbs
    C) 3 x 2 @ 230 lbs
    D) Made it up to 195 lbs
    E) shoulders were sore, so worked on SOTS press and did a 10 min run on the airdyne, 20 sec full effort 40 seconds half effort.

  2. A) complete - all C2B unbroken (yay)
    B) 345# x2. PR!
    C) DNF
    D) 275#. PR!
    E) 215# X1. Need to work on push jerk tech

  3. A. Didn't do it bc there was no room
    B. 185
    C. 165
    D. 135, 140 is my max so I was happy with that
    E. Got to 3 at 135, my shoulder blade started hurting and usually I wouldn't have quite so early on but I stayed till the end

  4. A) Done
    B) 295lbs, 315lbs for 1
    C) 275lbs
    D) 265lbs, 20lbs pr
    E) 2 reps at 225

  5. A) done
    B) 205 - x 1 - failed second rep twice.
    C) done at 185
    D) 160! PR!
    E) 7 reps at 145

  6. b)front squats-doubles at 135, 185, 225, 245, 260, 275(F)(PR)failed the second rep should of tried 270 I guess
    C)worked off 270, 3x2@245(with belt
    D)235(pr)10 lbs
    E)8 reps at 215

  7. A. Managed some kipping HSPUs since the neck issue so happy about that
    B. 205
    C. 185
    D. Tried 135, but failed so 125 it is!
    E. 7 reps at 135

  8. A) Complete
    B) 315x2
    C) 3x2 @ 285
    D) 245
    E) 6 reps @ 225
