Sunday, January 4, 2015

Monday January 5, 2015

Open Prep is officially underway
Time to dial in your skill and cardio. If there is certain movements that you have large gaps in, make sure you add them on top of the programming. Remember this programming is based on you not having holes, so if you do, make sure you fill them before the open starts. Making sure you do the warm ups is just as important as doing your strength and wods. They are time to work on skills.  

A) Warm up 3 Rounds 
2 Seated Legless Rope Climb 
5 Muscle ups 
50 Double Unders

B) work up to a 5RM front squat 

C) 3x5 front squat at 90% of your 5rm 
Rest 3-4 min between sets 

(This a a new cycle. Try to quickly build to a 5RM. If you fail the 5reps don't take more then 2 attempts. If you can't make all 5 move on to C and do your best to work with the percentage.) 

D) Jerk 3 x 3 x 90%

E) Push Press * Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% * Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% * Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70-75% * Set 4 – 3 reps @ 75-80% * Set 5 – 10 reps @ 70-75% * Set 6 – 10 reps @ 65-70% * Set 7 – 10 reps @ 60-65%

F) 1) 3 mins Amrap 
5 thrusters 100/65lbs
5 burpees facing bar 
Rest 3 
2) For time 
Chest to bar pull-ups 
Power snatch  100/65lbs
Rest 3 mins 
3) Row 60 cals for time 
Score this as F1,F2,F3


  1. A) complete kinda.. I can only get up a few steps from the ground then I tried leg less from standing as well. Worked on the muscle up progression on the low rings and tried only a few muscle ups. Need MORE dips.

    B) Front squat:
    5 rep max 185
    5 x 3 @ 165

    C) Jerk:
    3 x 3 @ 155
    This is only 81.5% of my 1 rep max.
    They were bad. Did one at 90% which is 170 and couldn't continue at that weight. Sarry.

    D) Push press:
    1. 75
    2. 90
    3. 110
    4. 120
    5. 110
    6. 90
    7. 70

    F 1 - 4 rounds
    F 2 - 4:15
    F 3 - 4:00

  2. B)front squat- hit 245 for 5(pr) (also that was my one rep a few months ago before CP so I think this whole crossfit thing might be onto something)
    did 3 sets of 5 at 225
    C)jerks- 225 one set of 3
    245 2 sets of 3 (all done droping it onto the boxes for singles and picking it up right away.
    D)Push press done off 225
    115, 135, 160, 170, 145, 135.
    F1-5 rounds
    F2-4 27
    F3-3 16

  3. A)complete, bu did bar muscle ups and i can only get a few feet off the ground
    B-E) i did weightlifting programming
    F1) 4 rounds

    1. *few feet off the ground on legless rope climbs
