Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wednesday November 26, 2014

A) 20 minutes: Find a max Clean and Jerk

B) 2 Rounds For Time 
20 Chest to bar 
5 Musclups 
20 KB Swings 32/24kg 
5 Muscleups 
20 Handstand Pushups kip
5 Muscleups


  1. A) 4x PR @ 295, 300, 305 and 310
    B) Clock stopped at 15:00, likely finished just over 17:00 ish

  2. A) only got up to 265.. i still have trouble locking out my right arm on the jerk.. every damn time

    B) 11:35.. first round unbroken

  3. C & J 185!!!
    Clean 195!!!!

    WOD: 20:28
    3 MU attempts each time it called for 5 muscle ups.
    0 muscle ups made. :(

  4. A) Clean and Jerk - 300.5 PR (Had to add on the 0.5 lbs to show Alex who's boss)

    B) 17:31 - Chest to bar pull ups are getting a lot better. Starting to rep out more reps with much more comfort. Ripped my hand so nothing was unbroken.

  5. I had very little luck with today's wod..seems my shoulders were a bit fried from all that snatch.

    A. 165, tried 170 a few times but having serious issues getting my head through

    B. WOD was Shyte, I did only one round (first time I've ever skimped on the programming) and sub'd MUs for strict pull ups and dips. Neck and hands were too sore for round 2

  6. a)clean and jerk
    185 205 225 235 245(f)
    this was not a good day for me to do 1 rep stuff, had no confidence in my front squat, but even on a bad day I should get that weight, I felt if I absolutely needed to stand it up I could of but my back would be broken for ever, upside is the jerks were all easy.
    b)time was between 19 and 20 min. hands r still sore.

  7. A) Clean and Jerk
    135lbs, 185lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs, 275lbs, 285lbs, 300lbs, 5lb pr!

