Monday, November 10, 2014

Tuesday November 11, 2013

A) 3 Rounds not for time 

6 Muscle ups 

10 Toes to Bar, 

12 Pistols

B) 5x3 Position Snatch High Hang, Above Knee, Ground

C) 15 Rounds 

1min on 1min rest 

Airdyn/Row Aim for 25-30cal/min


  1. A) Warm up completed

    B) 95-135-165-185-205-210
    210 was broken up --> High hang, drop bar, low hang+full snatch

    C) 29-26-23-22-21-22-20-20-20-20-21-21-21-20-23
    Total: 329

  2. Ok I only did Part C coz I came in late night..:
    Airdyne 295 totes ..and revitalized my FRAN lung!

    1. Completed warm up and snatch complex today- 85, 105, 110, 115, 120

  3. Did Monday's workout today since I missed Monday, and I've been seeing some improvements with my squats so I wanted to test out those numbers. Posted results in Monday's comments.

    Did Part C at the end though.
    Airdyne Total: 246 cals
    My right calf cramped up on the last round, so I had to gimp it with one leg + arms

  4. 85-90-95-100-105

    280 on the row since I need to work on rowing.

  5. Snatch : 65 85 105 115 120
    Jumped too fast too soon.

    WOD airdyne Total 234

  6. b)snatch. 135 135 155 155 165(f) 165(f) 155 155. (every fail was on the full clean at the end, I need to work on getting into a stronger starting position while repping them out, but it was killing my mental game and didn't feel like I hit the numbers I am capable of)
    c airdyne 318 (I knew I needed to push harder on this but I just couldn't make myself go, need too get better at pushing when by myself)
