Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday November 18, 2014

A) 3 Rounds not for time 

6 Muscle ups 

10 Toes to Bar, 

12 Pistols

B) 5x3 Position Snatch High
Hang, Above Knee, Ground

C) retest. Compare to Tuesday October 14th. 
Row 300m 
Rest 1 minute 
Complete as many rounds until you can not hit 300m in 1minute


  1. A) Warm-up completed

    B) worked up to 115lbs, shoulder kept giving out at 125lbs

    C) 2 rounds, one more than last time

  2. A) Warm up completed
    B) 135; 125; 125; 125; 130
    C) completed 2 intervals

  3. A) Warm-up completed.. Feel like my muscle-ups are becoming a lot more fluid.

    B) Worked up to 125. Hit some singles up to 155.

    C) 3 Rounds + 267m (1 more round than last time)

  4. Snatched 95 for the full complex then just worked on only high hang and worked up to 110.

    Did the wod with the class instead of row

  5. A. Warm up with strict
    Pull ups instead
    B. Complex at 95, 105, 110, 115 and failed 120 on the last position
    C. Rowed up to the 8th round and had to go to work! ...*note* I am incapable of rowing 300m in a minute so got up to 265 instead
