Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday November 24, 2014

Congrats to everyone who competed yesterday. Lots of amazing PRs! 

If you competed yesterday do:
Row 300cals not for time 
Start 1 day behind on the strength 

Otherwise do: 
A) Warmup 4 Rounds Tabata 
Hand Stand Hold 
Toes To Bar 
Double Unders

B) Back Squat 
1*5 65% 
1*5 70% 
1*5 75% 
1*5 80%

C) Push Press 4x10 70%

D) Airdyne/row 15 rounds 
30 on 90 off 
The key to this is to develop a high pace and to be able to maintain it for all rounds. 


  1. A) warm-up complete

    B) 205, 225, 240, 255

    C) 4 @ 135

    D) 269 cal, aimed to be in the 25-27 range which was tough to maintain after 20 seconds

  2. Fun fact: I slept for 13 hrs last night.

    Also, I didn't do the 300cal row, I just did a group class at CFPickering instead; Heavy dead lifts and a WOD.

  3. A) Complete
    B) 265, 285, 305, 325
    C) 1x10x170, 5x6x170
    D) 230 cals

  4. A) Complete
    B) 205, 225, 240, 255
    Did an extra set of 225 x 10 (Needed to get my legs going again for the week)
    C) 4 x 10 @ 135
    D) 233 cals

    1. Also great job to everyone who competed on the weekend! Wish I could have been there

  5. Pp at 100
    AD 186

    Gonna squat tomorrow

  6. A. Fun warm up
    B. 160, 175, 185 and 195
    C. Press @ 90#
    D. Airdyne 221 Cals

    *did this in monday as I felt fine post comp, but also took Tuesday off

  7. b)squats 200 215 230 245
    done the day after so I didn't do the other stuff.
