Sunday, November 2, 2014

Monday November 3, 2014

a) Warm up
3 rounds 
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121)
10 strict C2B pullups 
30 sec L sit

b) Back Squat
1*8    65%
1*6    75%
1*4    85%
1*4    90%

c) Jerk
5 x 5 x 75%

d) 20 mins
30 sec on
30 sec off
Airdyne or Row


  1. A) Warm-up completed

    B) 8 @ 205, 6 @ 240, 4 @ 270, 4 @ 285

    C) 5 @ 155

    D) Completed 10 minutes, kept speed at 37-39m/s

  2. A) completed
    B) 190/225/255/265
    C) 170
    D) 226 cal

  3. A) Complete
    B) 3 sets of 10 @ 205# - need to rebuild my squat position
    C) 25x single power clean and jerks @ 220#
    D) 232 cal - bike

    1. Also jumped in on the class EMOM - it was fun.

  4. 225, 255, 285, 305

    Jerks at 215

    241 cals on airdyne

  5. 115-185-205-210

    Jerks at 115, supposed to be 125 but I screwed up the math

    AD 189

  6. Squat:
    65 x 8 155
    75 x 6 175
    85 x 4 195
    90 x 4 210

    4 x 125
    1 x 130

    Air dyne : 191cal

  7. BackSquats
    65%x 8 @245
    75%x 6 @280
    85%x 4 @320
    90%x 4 @335

    5x5 @225

    Airdyne: 248 cals

  8. b) squats 200 230 260 275
    c) jerks 200 only did 2 sets of the jerks, catching the weight was starting to mess with my shoulders and even my back a little.
    d) 242, I don't have an exact number for this one, did some basic math and im pretty sure this is on the low end of what my total score was.

  9. A. Did half of all reps/time to save myself some time (also realized I was doing the tempo backwards, athankyou Steve for the correction)

    B. 160, 185, 210, 220

    C. Jerks @ 125, last 2 on round 4
    Failed and failed last rep on round 5

    D. Airdyne 201
