Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wednesday November 19, 2014

Just wanted to put it out there that Adam Ivany from Woodbridge did 23 rounds of the row yesterday. 23 ROUNDS! 

A) 5 Set 2 Position Clean hang, floor + 1 jerk

B) 2 sets of each
Max strict hspu at 6" defecit
Max at 4" defecit 
Max at flat 

C)  21-15-9 Overhead Squats 135/95 
10 Muscle-up

D) 10min 
EMOM Alternating 
20' HSW 
7 Deadlifts 315/205


  1. A) Worked up to 210 lbs

    B) PR of 4 deficit HSPU at 4"

    C) Did the rowing challenge again and made it to 3 rounds.

  2. A) got up to 235.. failed the jerk at 245 (right arm syndrome)

    B) 6" 4 and 2
    4" 5 and 3
    Nada was 10 and 4

    C) 8:13

    Skipped out on the last wod, lower back was bothering me and i didnt want to risk anything before this weekend

  3. A) 205, 225, 235, 245, 255
    B) 6" (9, 6) | 4" (7, 7) | 0" (15, 15)
    C) DNF - OHS's still an issue
    D) DNF

  4. Clean/jerk complex: 135/145/155/165/175 PR for my jerk! V ugly.

    HSPU: for sets of strict. No deficit. 5-4-3-2 tried two more times and failed the first ones.

    WOD: 17:30ish? 2 muscle ups per round only. Failed a zillion in the last round before calling it quits.

    EMOM: completed- all sets unbroken.

  5. A. Complex went 125, 135, 145, 150, 155, then failed 160 a couple times

    B. Did 6 sets of "strict" that don't even touch the ground (still trying!)

    C. 10:21, All OHS unbroken but sub'd strict pulls up and ring dips

    D. Emom complete, but only managed one HS walk for a full 20'

  6. B)6inch -3 and 5
    4inch 4and 5
    0inch 14 and 15
    should of warmed up a bit that's why the first set sucked.
    c)12 30 only 20 MUs (felt that it didn't make sense to rip my hands couple days before a comp so I skipped the last set of MUs, other then that this workout got better as it went on and I got used to the weight, 21 was 3 sets lots of rest 15 was 2 sets and 9 was unbroken)
