Sunday, November 9, 2014

Monday November 10, 2014

A) Warm up 
3 rounds 
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121) 
10 strict C2B pullups 
30 sec L sit

B) Back Squat 
1*6 70% 
1*6 80% 
1*3 90% 
1*2 95%

C) Jerk 
5 x 3 x 80%

D) Fran
On the 8min mark
E) Isabel 

Post your times to comments. 
Don't be scared. 


  1. 235 270 300 320

    Jerks at 225

    Fran 241 not a pr but still sub 3
    Isabel 531

  2. B) 285, 325, 365, 385
    C) 235
    D) 3:07 PR by :30s (pull-ups can be better)
    E) 10:23 - Fran fucked me - hard. In the bum.

  3. B) Back Squat
    1*6 165
    1*6 185
    Added in a set of 2 @ 200 here
    1*3 210
    1*2 220

    C) Jerk
    5 x 3 @ 135

    D) Fran
    My brain went psycho. Legit. Super disappointed in myself but I stopped after the set of 21. Sorry.

    E) Isabel
    Finished at 13:02

  4. jerks at 245

    fran: 2:42 - isabel: 4:42

  5. B) Backsquats
    1x6 @260
    1x6 @300
    1x3 @335
    1x2 @355

    C) Jerks
    5x3 @235

    D) Fran 2:50 pr'd by one second lol

    E) Isabel 4:50

  6. Had to ask Steve if perhaps today was a typo as I was ONE of the few suckers that actually DID Saturday's whole program..fran twice in less than 3 days was great for my mental game!

    A. Complete
    B. 175, 195, 220, 235 (felt "easy" today!)
    C. Jerks @ 135 and feeling far more confident since pointers from coach
    D. Did better today, finished fran at 4:49 (def not a pr but all unbroken thrusters again and pull ups were better) then more time on recovery meant faster Isabel- managed a set of five to start where Saturday was mostly singles. Finished at 12:39 total

  7. B) Back Squat
    1x6 @ 225
    1x6 @ 255
    1x3 @ 285
    1x2 @ 300 (Super pumped at how easy this was for me)

    C) Jerk
    5 x 3 @ 175

    I'm going to do Fran/Isabel sometime this week to test it out

  8. b)squats 215 245 275 290(felt pretty easy today, I just gotta work on chest up for heavy sets
    c)jerk at 215 getting better at repping them out but 3 is much easier then 5, even at heavy weights.
