Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday Nov. 7, 2014

a)Warm up
3 rounds
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121)
10 strict C2B pullups
30 sec L sit

b)Stick to the percentages, its meant to be a deload
 Back Squat
1*6    65%
1*6    75%
1*6    80%
1*6    80%

c) 10 Burpee Muscle ups
20 Deadlifts 275/185
30 box jump overs 24/20
40 Kettlebell swings
50 Double unders
60 Cal Airdyne


  1. A. Complete-ish (hard time with C2B)

    B. 160, 185, 195x 2

    C. 13:34 (no muscle ups, strict pull ups instead)

  2. A) Warm-up completed

    B) 205, 225, 255, 255 - Was harder than I thought it would be

    C) 20:29, deadlifts slowed me down

  3. Back Squat: 155/175/185/185 -- 185/80% felt 25 times WORSE than the 90% squats on Monday. It was rough.
    My timing sucks and I only had time for this.
    Will come back late night if I'm not too tired after teaching dance.

  4. 155-175-185-185, squats are feeling good!

    Wod - 12:14 but subbed for strict pullups, and front rack lunges at 85 over DL

  5. b)squats 200 230 245
    c)13 35 went out a little hard on the muscle ups and the deads were a lot heavier then 275 normally are.
