Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday Nov 5, 2014

A) 5x3 Position Clean high hang, hang, floor + 1 jerk

B) 25 strict hspu to 4" defecit 
25 kipping hspu to 4" defecit 
Not for time 

C) 3 rounds 
10 Kettlebell front squats 32/24x2
15 chest to bars pull-ups 
Rest 3 minutes between rounds 

Rest as needed between C and D

D) 7-5-3
Muscle ups 
Power clean 205/135lbs


  1. A) 205, 215, 225, 245, 255 - dropped all and re-gripped 3rd rep
    B) Complete - all sets of 5
    C) 1:09, 0:56, 1:19 - 9:24 total w/breaks
    D) 3:50 - single reps on cleans

  2. A) got up to 225, pinched a nerve on my back shoulder blade on the jerk so didnt go heavier

    B) done, strict set was mostly sets of 4 and 5 kipping around the same

    C) total time with breaks was 8:37

    D) done in 3:40

  3. A) Finished @245

    B) Finished

    C) 10:48

    D) Finished at 3:48

  4. A. FUN!! 125, 135, 145, 150 and failed the last set at that weight

    B. I did strict HSPUs off
    45's even tho I'm no where near close to a regular strict, was more to get my
    Hands used to the plates. Was able
    To get TWO deficit HSPUs (with kipping)!!!!! An accomplishment for me! My neck took a beating after all the misses so I bailed didn't do C or D
