Sunday, November 16, 2014

Monday November 18., 2014

A) Warm up 
3 rounds 
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121) 
10 strict C2B pullups 
30 sec L sit

B) Back Squat 
1*5 70% 
1*5 80% 
1*2 85% 
1*3 90% 
1*1 100%

C) Jerk 5 x 1 x 85%

D) 3 rounds 
100 double unders  
15 side burpee over bar 
10 power snatches 155/105lbs 
Rest 1:1 (rest same time as each round takes) 


  1. A) Warm-up completed

    B) 5 @ 225, 5 @ 255, 2 @ 270, 3 @ 285, 1 @ 315

    C) 185, 190, 190, 190, 195

    D) 19:41, snatch @ 95

  2. Back squat:
    165/185/200/210/220 x 1 /230/235 PR!

    150 x 5

    0- 4:48
    9:36 - 14:13
    18:36- ?
    I forgot to note my finishing time but it took a while.

  3. A) Warm up completed
    B) 5x 285 5x 325 2x 345 3x 365 1x 405
    C) 5x 235
    D) 3:01 3:24 3:29 Total Time: 16:19

  4. B) 285, 325, 345, 365, 405
    C) 250
    D) Clock was reset on my last round, on avg were 4:00ish

  5. A. Still haven't learned to love this warm up but I keendoing it to the best of my ability
    B. Squats @ 175, 195, 210, 220, then 245 (x2 coz I wasn't sure of the depth so I video'd it)
    C. Jerks @ 140
    D. Round one was done at 3:40 and was a steady decline thereafter..ended on 18:51

  6. BS 5x165 5x185 2x200 3x210 1x220 1x230 which I was super happy with because I haven't hit that weight in years!

    Jerk- 5x1x140 also feeling good

    WOD - 18:15 DU unbroken, not super gassed on burpees but did snatches at 90 since 105 is my max p snatch haha

  7. b)squats 215 245 265(was supposed to be 260) 275 305
    c)jerk at 225
    d)3:50 4:13 4:00(don't know about anyone else but I found it way harder to rep the snatches out, even with gaming the burpees a bit)

  8. B) BackSquats:
    5 x 225
    5 x 255
    2 x 270
    3 x 285
    1 x 315

    WOD - 19:04 Snatches at 95
