Monday, November 24, 2014

Tuesday November 25, 2014

a)Warm up 3 Rounds
3 Butterfly Pullups + 2 Chest to Bar +1 Bar Muscle-up UB (unbroken)
10 Glut Ham Raise
12 Pistols

B) 5x3 Position Snatch
High Hang, Above Knee, Ground

C) Every 2 Minutes
6 Squat Snatch T&G
185/ 120
 (Pay attention if a different pace or technique is needed between weights)

D) 4 Rounds Rest 1:1
12 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Power Snatch 155/105lbs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A) Warm-up complete. First time trying bar muscle-ups, thankfully Steve was there to help us figure them out.

    B) Worked up to 115 lbs.

    C) 75, 95, 105 failed

    D) 9:36 (95 lb snatch)

  3. Warm up done, it was a fun one, bar stuff was unbroken

    B) got up to 200 after 4 tries, had trouble with the high hang like always, regular hang and ground were fine, just have trouble with the high always, failed the high hang a few times at 185 and 195 till i got them after a few tries

    C) 115 complete
    135 complete
    155 complete
    185 could only string 2 together, did the rest of the 4 reps as singles under the 2 minutes.

    205 had to all be done in singles, took alot longer then 2 minutes but got all 6 singles complete

    D) 14:35.. i think my body was either too fucked from the previous snatching or forgot how to power snatch but i was struggling with the snatches alot

  4. A) Warm up complete.

    B) 135 - 155 - 175 - 185 - 195 (High Hang + Above Knee)
    Got high hang + above knee 3 times at 195. Failed ground position all 3 times though.

    C) 115x6 - 135x6 - 155x6 - 185 (singles in 2 minutes) - 205 (singles in 4 minutes)

    D) Round 1 - 1:11 (1-1-1-1-1-1)
    Round 2 - 1:35 (1-1-1-1-1-1)
    Round 3 - 1:46 (2-2-1-1)
    Round 4 - 1:22 (3-3)
    Total Time - 10:26
    I took a 4-5 minute break between the heavy snatches and this wod. Didn't warm up any power snatches before starting. Probably should have considering I didn't feel comfortable going tap and go until the 3rd round.

  5. A) complete
    B) 95, 115, 135, 155, 165
    C) stopped at 155
    D) 11:58 was pretty conservative. Kept pace on the burps and did singles on the snatches.

  6. A) Complete. Did some technique work on butterfly kips with John and Ben. Couldn't try the bar muscle ups cause class was pretty full. Hopped on the rings instead.

    B) Worked up to 125. Tried 135, couldn't get the high hang.

    C) 95-115. Did 135 in under 2 mins, but had to break up into singles.

    D) Came in late, didn't have enough time to fit in the WOD. Ended up getting in a couple sets of front squats instead. Got up to a set of 225x5

  7. Eeeerrrrrmmmmmggggrrrrdddd..
    SNERTCH!!!!! I made a joke with a lesbian client yesterday about how much snatch I did in the morning

    A. Warm up was fun coz I used a band for bar muscle ups and actually got a few

    B. Complex went 95, 105, 115, 120 (no trouble in comparison to last week) and 125 failed from the floor

    C. Did all UB except round of 120, which went 4 then singles. Was only able to get 3 at 135 and went one minute over (needed it for my head)

    D. 2:20, 1:48, 1:43, 2:09 (and it's amazing what a couple missed reps can do)

  8. did Mondays squats then
    C)115 for 6
    135 for 6
    155 for 4
    155 for 3
    legs were pretty smoked after the squats I think, also found this more mentally taxing then I thought it would be, ill be more prepared next time.
