Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday November 21, 2014

A) Warm up 
3 rounds 
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121) 
10 strict C2B pullups 
30 sec L sit

B)Back Squat 
1*4 70% 
1*4 75% 
1*4 80% 
1*4 85%

C) Row 4k 


  1. Oooh the first post!!..kinda wish I had a better standard to set:

    A. Complete-ish

    B. 175, 185, 195, 210 (but deload today felt heavy probably coz I'm sore from the deadlift emom)

    C. 17:31.6

  2. Eli, you stole my spot. I'm always first!

    A) Warm-up completed
    B) 225, 240, 255, 275
    C) 15:57

  3. Little solo late nighter for me. #popular on a Friday night.....

    Squats: 165/175/190/200 complete but OMG my hips... Mostly the right flexor is dying doing these. Especially the first few heavy sets. Jeepers.

    Row: 17:20.1
