Monday, November 3, 2014

Tuesday Nov. 4, 2014

a) Warm up 
4 Rounds 
40 Double unders 
20' HSW

b) Snatch 
5x1 87-93%

c)  100cal Row 
Right in to 21-15-9 
Push Press 135/95lbs 
Bar Facing Burpees


  1. A) Warm-up complete

    B) 130, 135, 135, 135, 140

    C) 18:36

  2. 115 x 2
    120 x 2
    125 x 1
    130 x 1
    135 x 1 PR
    140 x 1 PR

    WOD: 16:05

  3. b)snatches 175 175 185 190 190(there were some fails)
    c) 13 33(I was told after that I only did 8 burpees but I am pretty sure I did all 9)

  4. A. Complete- hsw is getting easier

    B. Stuck with all reps @ 135,
    But failed the last few attemps so didn't get all 5

    C. 18:16 total,
    And every second was god awful
