Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wednesday November 12, 2014

A) EMOM until failure 
Add 10lbs 2 Push Press Start at 135/95lbs       

B) 5 Set 3 Position Clean high hang, hang, floor + 1 jerk  

C) 15 strict HSPU @ 6" defecit 
+ 15 kipping hspu at 6" defecit 

D) 3 Rounds 
5 Squat Clean to Thruster 185/125lbs Row 250m 
30 Double unders


  1. A) Made it to 195 lbs successfully

    B) 155, 165, 175, 185, 195

    C) Kept working on strict HSPU at 4" deficit, was able to get several sets of 2 reps

  2. A) got up to 215

    B) got up to 245 20 pounds more then last week

    C) done. Strict took a looong time #singlesanddoubles

    D) 9:19

  3. Push press: got up to 155! But Steve said they were kinda push jerks.
    Clean complex: 125/145/150/155/160 - failed 165 lol thought I PR'd and got 175 but I did math wrong.
    HSPU: strict done without deficit. Kipping complete with 6" deficit.
    WOD: 9:15

  4. A) 235x2 - 245x1
    B) 235 (245 high hang only. Tried 3 times, wasn't finishing the pull, etc)
    C) Complete. First set was 8 strict (8, 5, 2)
    D) 7:51

  5. A) 235lbsx2, 245lbsx1, 10lbs pr

    B) finished it with 265lbs

    C) Complete

    D) 8:50

  6. A. Started at 85# coz I banked on the fact that my push press is Shyte!! Got up to 125 and shit the bed even after trying twice
    B. Complex went from 125 to 155 and threw in the towel as the last jerk felt laboured
    C. Can someone please make a conscious effort to remind me NOT to work on deficit HSPUs, that maybe negatives should be my focus for now considering I haven't been able to turn left since last week!!!!
    D. Wod was el garbage for me, round one was thehe worst, then thrusters got easier as I warmed up- 14:20

  7. A) got to 130
    B) 140
    C) Skipped
    D) Complete, didn't check the timer when I finished but it was 20+ mins. Serious struggle with those thrusters!

  8. a)push press 1 at 215
