Sunday, May 31, 2015

Monday June 1, 2015

A) Front rack Lunge 5x5 
5-10lbs heavier then last week 

B) 5x3 position snatch 
(Below knee, above knee, high hang) 
Use straps 

C) Snatch pull
10 min Emom 1 rep @100% of 1RM focus on positions. Not just standing the bar up. 

D) 7 rounds 
6 strict hspu 
8 wallball 
10 power snatch 95/65lbs 
Rest 1:30 between rounds 

Accessory work 
E1) pendlay row supine grip 3x8
E2) GHD back extensions with a barbell 45/35lbs 3x6-8 (2011)


  1. A. 125/145/155/160/165
    B. 125/145/165/175/180
    C. All at 155
    D. Used the running clock and numbers were as follows:
    E. No time, I was there over 90mins and had to leave for a funeral

  2. A) 100,120,135,145,150(4reps on last) much better then last week.
    B) misunderstood this one. Did 3 sets doing the complex three times. Did the first 3 sets at #55, then went to 65,75.
    C) done at 100
    D) completed all 7 rounds in 21:15
    E1) completed at 65
    E2) completed

  3. A) Bulided up too 255lbs
    B) Worked up too 185lbs, tried 205lbs, failed the high hang.. Went for 215 after that, failed the high hang again.
    C) Done at 245lbs
    D) Completed all 7 rounds in 18:00
    E1) Completed at 145lbs
    E2) Completed

  4. A) 65/85/115/135/145
    B) had a hard time with high hang. got to 100 I think.
    C) done at 150
    2:33-3:45. 1:17
    5:15-8:48. 3:33
    10:18-13:15. 2:58
    14:45-18:44. 3:59
    20:14-24:06. 3:52
    26:36-29:02. 2:26
    E1) complete at 95lbs
    E2) complete
