Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wednesday May 6, 2015

A)  5 mins to find a Heavy Squat Clean to Thruster

B)  Deadlift 
5 reps at 80%
3 reps at 90% 
1 rep of more at 95%

C) "Nicole"
20 min amrap
400m run
Max rep pullups (strict)
Accessory Work
D) GHD hamstring extension 4x8
E) Chinese plank 4x30on 30off / side. First set without weight. Remaining 3 sets with weight 


  1. A) 205
    B)335, 355 & 386
    C) 6 rounds, 61 pull ups.

  2. A. In 5 mins I got up to 125 and failed 130 3 times! Shoulders were fried from yesterday
    B. 235 x 5, 265 x 3, and 280 x 3!!!
    C. 6.5 rounds with 30 pull ups total
    D. Done
    E. Used a 25# plate again and felt tough after the deads

  3. A) Stopped at 185
    B) 295, 330, 350
    C) 6.5 rounds, 40 pull ups
    D) GHD extensions and sit-ups

  4. A) 145 - failed 155
    B) 220 x 5// 250 x 3// 260 x 3
    C) 6 rounds, 42 pull ups.
    D) complete
    E) complete with 35lb

  5. A) 225, 235(f)
    B) 340x5, 380x3x, 405x1, 430x1(pr because I had to)
    C) will finish up rest tomorrow

    1. D) did another wod:
      50 HSPU's (kipping)
      40 TTB
      30 STO
      20 front racked WL * wt was supposed to be 135 but did it at 155
      Time: 12:48

  6. A) Got up too 235lbs
    B) 335lbs x5 365x3 405x1
    C) 6 rounds + 66 strict pull ups, did 4 more pull ups after to get 70
    D) Complete
    E) Complete with 55lbs

  7. A) got up to 120lbs
    I clean 125lbs but couldn't press it out
    B) 145lbs x 5
    160lbs x3
    170lbs x6
    C) 6 rounds and 30 pull-ups
    ran out of time for D and E

  8. A. 135
    B. 215 x 5 225 x 3
    C. 34.5 (still holding on to that half rep!) and 6 runs

  9. No thrusters today
    B) 5x315 3x345 3x365. Felt good getting 95 percent for 3.my belt came off or I might have got more.
    C) 45 pull ups. Not good as I suck at cardio right now and my stricties are not good
