Thursday, May 21, 2015

Friday May 21, 2015

A) 5x3 Overhead Squat 3301 Heavier than last week

B) Strict Press 
3 or more @95% 
1@102% 1RM

C) Regionals Event 6 
Five rounds for time of: 
Row 25 Calories 
16 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 
9 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups (4.5″/2.5")


  1. First day of Cristini programming

    A) found out doing this movement I have poor shoulder and ankle mobility. Kept the weight lightish and focused on keeping my shoulders down and back.

    B) #75,#85,#95-2reps,#102 for a PR

    C) was ready to be done this WOD after 3 RNDS.
    Finished all 5 at 29:38
    First round did chest 2 bars then changed to pull ups. Would have been on the bar all day.
    HSPU did on #25plates and they were all kipping.

  2. Welcome Bradz...sounds like a great first day!!!

    A. Went lighter than last week to focus on depth, worked up to 135 for a few sets
    B. Shoulders were fried! Did 72, 82 then couldn't even hit all 3 at 90# so didn't bother attempting my 1RM
    C. I did only 3 rounds with serious mods, airdyne coz no rowers, pull ups coz shoulders and strict hspu's with abmats..deflated after that
