Monday, May 11, 2015

Tuesday may 12, 2015

A)  Pausing Clean and Jerk 5x 1 Pause below Knee + 1 Pause above knee, then clean and jerk it + 1 Clean and Jerk
No tap and go 

B) Every 15-20 seconds, for a total of 20 total repetitions:
15′ Rope Climb x 1 ascent

C) Five sets of:
Row 20 Calories
25 Power Snatches (75 lbs)
Rest 3 minutes

*Goal is to keep both movements sub 60 seconds

Accessory Work 
D) Behind The neck strict press 5x5 5-10lbs heavier then last week 
E) 3 x max rep Unbroken strict HSPU
Beat your reps from last week 


  1. A) 180 for the pauses & jerk and full clean-- failed the 2nd jerk. Cleans feeling a lot better than they have been lately. Yay.
    B) 13:55
    C) 0-2:30/ 5:30-8:25/ 11:25-14:49/ 17:49-.21:18/ 24:18-27:40
    D) all over the place. Jumped too quick in the beginning so I just did a bunch. 55-75-75-80 x2 - 80 x 2- 75 x 3 - 75 x 4 - 55 x 8
    E) tried flat, failed. 5-2-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 with 1 ab mat.

  2. A) 225, 245x2, 250, 255 (felt rlly good this week cleans felt easy)
    B) didn't complete
    C) 1st & 2nd rnd: 2mins, 3rd: 2:30, 4th: 3mins, 5th: 3:10
    My elbow was bugging me from the complex..playing it safe on these accessory pressing movements

    1. Playing it safe means not completing them, but instead emphasizing my mobility and recovery instead

  3. A. Ok my cores still shot from Sunday, battled with the second jerk at 155, went 125, 145, 150, 155x 2
    B. I didn't keep time coz we were clock sharing but waited the full 20 seconds between (not 15) and took much longer than any other rope climbs as I still can't bring my knees up high at all!
    C. 28:03, managed 20 cals only once then went as high as 1:16. Did unbroken snatches in round 1 only, then went 15/10 from 2-4 and 18/7 last round
    D. Worked up to 70#
    E. Attempted but failed too many times and left before deflation

  4. A) 225, 245, 265, 285

    B) Complete

    C) I don't remember times but i finished it around 27 minutes total with the 3 minute breaks.

    D) Worked with 105-115 lbs these were a lot harder for me than i thought.

  5. Just did (A) since I was pressed for time and got to 145, which is 15# heavier than last week's set. Did the class wod after

  6. A)stayed pretty light on the cleans. only built up to about 225, trying to focus on positioning and form a bit more.
    B)just did a few rope climbs with matty scales, haven't done them in a while, also they are way harder with gloves on.
    C)3 rounds only
    2 04
    2 25
    2 50
    not great, the last one was really bad, I just had no motivation and couldn't hang on to the bar.
