Sunday, May 24, 2015

Monday May 25, 2015

A)5x5 heavy front rack lunge

B) 10 min Build to a heavy snatch 

C) 10min EMOM snatch 1 rep 80-90% of today's 1RM

D) EMOM 15mins 
5-7 M-UPS
12 KBS 32/24KG
20 Sec  free standing Handstand Hold


  1. A. 125, 135, 145, 155, 160
    B. Only got up to 130, too many fails at 135 in that time frame
    C. Worked off 120, missed 2
    D. Fun! Scaled MUs with 5 strict pull ups and HS holds were close to the wall then free standing for several seconds on the last couple rounds- gettin better

  2. Today was a very bad day.
    A) #95,#115,#135,#145 3 reps then 2 reps, made an attempt at #145 failed dropped the wait to #135 and failed.
    B) got up to #85, could not get passed #85 nothing seemed to be going right today. Worked off of #75.
    C) didn't even attempt this WOD. Instead I work on strict MU with coach bens help and the. Did a 1:1 for rounds of rowing. 500m each round.

  3. A) Thought it was 5x10 instead of 5x5, so I did 5 steps for each leg @ 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs
    B) Only hit 215lbs today was a off day for me
    C) Did the emom after the wod, didn't wanna do the wod alone, did 195lbs for 10 mins
    D) Complete

  4. A. Got up to 175 quick and spent a fair bit of time hitting it so didn't try for higher
    B1. 15s
    B2. 15s
    B3. 12s
    B4. 16s
    C. I sub'd push ups for C2Bs coz my hands are still torn from rope climbs on Saturday. 27:30ish I think???
