Sunday, May 10, 2015

Monday May 11, 2015

A) 5x10 Front rack walking lunges

B) 5x 1 pause snatch (pause below the knee for 2 sec, pause above the knee for 2 sec, then snatch) + 1 snatch No pauses *Not touch and go reps 

Work up to a tough set 

D) Row or Airdyne 20mins 
30 on 30 off 

Accessory work 
E) Pendlay Row 
5x 5-6 reps 


  1. A. 125, 145, 3 @ 155
    B. Only got to 120 today, hope
    Still killing me on the deep squats
    C. Great!
    D. Rows at 105, and 6 reps on my sets

  2. A) Worked up too 225lbs
    B) Only got to 195lbs
    C) Airdyne 240cals
    D) Finished off my rows at 155lbs and 6 reps on all of my sets

  3. A) Worked up to 135.
    B) Got to 130 successfully - got the pause at 135lbs.
    C) 173cals
    D) Had to jet to work. I will make time for it tomorrow.

  4. A. Worked up to 135 (Dat ass)
    B. Still sucking at snatches but I got to 105
    C. Will do at 6 am tomorrow

  5. A) 10x115
    B) 145-155-165-175-185
    C) 19-15-12-12-12-13-12-12-9-10
    12-11-10-10-8-11-13-12-9-9 --> Total 2,310ish
    D) 5x6 @ 145
    Extra) 10 min EMOM - 3 burpee muscle ups

  6. A)built up to 205 for ten steps, started feelin it in the low back a bit.
    my pants ripped the next day after the lunges, hashtag eli problems.
    (did I do that right?)
    B)built up to 195 which felt good as I haven't snatched in a few weeks, failed 205 but that's ok.
    C)251 tota; on airdyne. this hurt a lot.
    D)gunna hit this one up later.

  7. A) haven't done these in a while or never heavy..but built up to 185 (next time will be much heavier lol)
    B) 5x1 @185
    C) did 15.5ish...bad idea
