Sunday, May 3, 2015

Monday May 4, 2015

A) backsquat find a 1RM (videos mandatory!)

B) backsquat 3x1 @ 90% of A

C) snatch 
5x 1 pause snatch (pause below the knee for 2 sec, pause above the knee for 2 sec, then snatch) + 1 snatch No pauses 
Work up to a tough set 

D) prowler push 20mins 
30 on 30 off 
Men's weight 2 45lbs plates / women 1 plate 

Accessory work 
E) Pendlay Row 
5x 5-6 reps 


  1. A) OHS 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185, fail - 205, 200
    B) OHS 175x2x3
    C) 95, 115, 135, 145, fail 155
    D) 10 rounds/2lengths w/two plates, 5 rounds/2lengths w/one plate

  2. A) Worked up to 365lbs, went for 390lbs after to pr, failed after 2 times
    B) 3x1 @ 335lbs
    C) Worked up too 205lbs at last set
    D) Completed, did the sled push inside, due to rain storm and did it with no weight and it felt harder on rubber flooring then outside.
    E) Penally Row @145 at last set

  3. A) exactly same as Alex.
    Went straight to the snatches worked up to 135.
    D) complete. REALLY hard.
    No time for anything else.

  4. A. New PR of 285, 10# jump. Although I may have been just at parallel I'm stoked with being able to stand period
    B. Used 260 (instead of 256) and hit 2
    But failed the last (and was
    Too lazy to strip the bar down again)
    C. Worked up to 130 but failed on the second snatch
    D. FUN, coz I went outside with Alessia
    E. Did rows at 105 for 6 reps

  5. A) new PR of 210lbs !
    B) 3x1 @190lbs
    C) worked up to 85lbs fine. Had to redo 90 and 95lbs but eventually got it
    D) didn't do

  6. Exact same as her ^

    Gonna do sled push tomorrow

  7. A) worked up to 405, attempted 410 but failed. Legs definitely weren't as fresh as last week.
    B) 365
    C) limited time will do Thursday
    D) maintained 30ft(2 lengths) per round for 13mins then did about 20ft for the remaining time

    1. C) 5x1 @185..feeling rlly consistent to move up next week
