Monday, May 18, 2015

Tuesday May 19, 2015

A)  5x 1 pause snatch (pause below the knee for 2 sec, pause above the knee for 2 sec, then snatch) + 1 snatch No pauses *Not touch and go reps 

B) A dear friend to the Canada east CrossFit Communiry Jen Young is gone from our world but will remain in our hearts forever. On Tuesday May 19th we ask that you do this workout in her memory:
We will be doing the JY Pi WOD in Jens memory on Tuesday this week: The rep scheme is because Jen is a self proclaimed "math nerd" and PI is her favorite number- "3.14" . The variety of movements is to represent the hard work and effort that Jen puts into all of her skills and her attention to form on everything she does. There is a total of 3 rounds, representing the 3 of Pi, and the 141 double unders represents the .141 (71 +70)/

71 Double Unders
Then 2 rounds of:
3 Power Snatch (135/95#)
14 Box jumps
3 Full Snatch (135/95#)
14 Toes to bar
3 Overhead squats (135/95#)
14 Burpees
Then 1 round of
3 Chest to bar pull ups
14 Power cleans 85/135
3 Hand stand push ups
14 Full cleans
3 Pistols per leg
14 Shoulder to Overhead
Then 70 Double unders


  1. A) 95/115/135/135/135. Failed 145# a few times

    B) 21:37... A whole lotta work. No individual movement was too difficult. Just a lot of work

  2. A) DNC - neck\shoulder still tweaked
    B) subbed for the following:
    -30 cal airdyne
    2 rounds of
    3 back squat @ 225
    14 step ups, 24" w/12 kg per
    3 back squat @ 225
    14 step ups, 24" w/12 kg per
    3 back squat @ 225
    14 step ups, 24" w/12 kg per
    Then 1x round:
    3 step ups, 24" w/12 kg per
    14 back squat @ 225
    3 step ups, 24" w/12 kg per
    14 back squat @ 225
    3 step ups, 24" w/12 kg per
    14 back squat @ 225
    30 cal airdyne

  3. Just did the class wod, considering its the same thing were doing.

    A) Only did 195lbs

    B) Total time 17:36

  4. A) Snatched with the class - failed 140 - 3 times.
    B) 18:27 - didn't know anything about Jen Young but according to the flood of instagram posts, she was a great lady. I'm glad we did this WOD. (Puts all my whining and complaining into perspective.)

    Did 50 dips. Lots of rest. Got down to sketchy singles by the end.
    Attempted the strict press from Friday. Didn't hit everything for 5 reps, so I did what I was able to then went down in weight to do some volume around the 70% weight.

  5. A) did yuki stuff instead plus MU work
    B) I did 85lbs instead of 95lbs. Total time: 18:17

  6. A. I worked up to 135 but kept over rotating..still felt better on my shoulders today than in previous weeks
    B. 18:03, lol and the worst part was T2B and burpees (all singles) coz I did another hundred GHD sit ups Sunday- FML

  7. A. Didn't have too much time so I only got to 95

    B. 22:40 or something like that. Not the greatest time BUT it's the first time ever that I didn't fail OHS which is progress for me!

  8. Did this stuff Monday
    A) 5x1 165-185lb (rlly struggled with catching just an off day for me)
    B) wasn't sure what the wod was going to be so did Crossfit weightlifting programmed one: 15min AMRAP 45dubs, 30FR walking lunges #95, 15KBS #70. Got four full rounds
    Will do JY-Pi wod Thursday before we leave for REGIONALS WOO!!
