Thursday, May 7, 2015

Friday May 8, 2015

A) front squat 1rm

B) front squat 3x1 @90% of A 

C) strict press 

D) 10-9-8----1
Strict Hspu
Toes toe bar 
Box jump over 24/20

Accessory work 
5 rounds alternating 
E1) Ring Dip 8 reps (2111) 
E2) Ring row 8 reps (2112) feet on a box 


  1. A) Got 315lbs for 1, failed 325lbs
    B) 3x1 @290lbs
    C) 60% 5@115lbs, 70% 5@135lbs, 80% 5@150lbs, 85% 5@155lbs
    D) 8:52
    E1) Complete
    E2) Complete

  2. A) 1RM OHS 215PR!
    B) 155, 175, 185 x3
    C) 120, 140, 160, 170
    D) 8:59
    E) 5x10 reverse hypers @ 30kg

  3. A&B) legs were fried today after work so doing tomorrow
    C) 115, 135, 155, 160x3
    D) 7:29
    E) complete

  4. A. Not a good day for skwats..only managed 205- just wasn't feelin it
    B. @ 185
    C. @ 60, 70, 77 and 87 (pretty satisfied I managed all 5 at this weight even tho the last rep to about 8minutes)
    D. 14:06 (hspus off 2 abmats)
    E. Only did 3 rounds

  5. A) 275, 290(PR) 300(f) 295(PR) happy that I decided to try 295 after I failed 3 hundo. ill get that pretty soon,
    did the class workout of
    400 run
    21 SDHP
    400 run
    15 power cleans
    400 run
    9 S2O
    400 run
    all at 95lbs
    took 9 50
    need to run at least 3 times a week to get the old ticker goin again.
