Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wedneday May 19, 2015

A) Pausing Clean and Jerk 5x 1 Pause below Knee + 1 Pause above knee, then clean and jerk it + 1 Clean and Jerk No tap and go

B) Squat Clean T&G for times, think of rhythm and speed under the bar. Try to make all reps look the exact same.
 rest 2min Between sets 
5 reps 245/170 

C) Romanian Deadlifts Snatch Grip 65% x 5 reps
 75% X 5 rep
85% x 5 (or more reps on the last set)

D) 10min EMOM Row 15cal/12cal try to develop consistency and a consistent pace for all sets

1 comment:

  1. A. 125, 135, 145, 155, 160 which is a vast improvement for me as my back didn't give at all!!
    B. Tried for 4 TnG, but couldn't stand on the 4th at 170, all others unbroken...times went as follows: 1:18, 30, 29, 26 and tried to be consistent with form but surely the 170s weren't too pretty
    C. I was running off my new DL PR which left my % impossible here- did 195 to start, then only hit 3 @ 225, meaning 255 would have been impossible so I went down to 215
    D. Used airdyne as Woodbridge has no rowers- did 13 cals/min ranging from 28 seconds to almost a full minute
