Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wednesday May 27, 2015

A) Romanian Deadlifts Snatch Grip 5x 3 Reps Go Heavy and slow 

B) starting at 95/65lbs EMOM add 10/5lbs 
start with Strict Press then continue with Push Press then Push Jerk when the weight can no longer be lifted

C) optional Class Wod

D) Chinese plank 4x30on 30off / side. First set without weight. Remaining 3 sets with weight 


  1. A) 5x3 @185,205,225,245,265
    B) Strict pressed 185lbs, Push pressed 235lbs, Push jerked 275lbs, 10lbs pr
    C) Did a wod with Steve, Elise and Sarah
    D) Done also did accessory work after

  2. A) 5x3 125,145,145,155,165
    B) strict press 100, push press 125, push jerk 145
    C) WOD with the 8 pm class. First time using the 24kg KB. Much easier then I thought it would actually be.
    D) done, didn't use any weights as this was my first time doing this.

  3. A) 5x3 - 135, 185, 225, 275, 295
    - my thumb felt destroyed after this

    B) got to 195

    C) done did it

  4. A. Started at 155, 195 then stuck with 205 for the last 3 sets
    B. I really enjoyed the progression of this as I felt it was good to warm up to all the weights, PRd on all 3 lifts with 100, 130, and 160...felt pretty good
    C. I did accessories instead #operationbuildabum

  5. A. My hand was destroyed so I literally stuck with 125 the whole time through, with straps, and still managed to tear my already torn callous a bit more.

    B. So I totally misunderstood this and did it as a complex of 1 strict press 1 push press 1 push jerk.. managed to tie my max strict press at 100 for two sets though!

    C. have yet to do this
