Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday May 15, 2015

Good luck to Cristini Programming Athlete Alex Tosun who is competing at the 2015 Canadian Senior Nationals of Weightlifting in Mississauga today.!upcomingevents/ctqv
The event is also being streamed Live on Flo Elite. Alex Lifts at 6:30pm tonight.

A) 5x3 Overhead Squat 3301

B) strict press 

C) 10 rounds 
5 overhead squats 155/105lbs
7 strict chest to bar pull-ups 

Accessory work 
5 rounds alternating 
D1) Ring Dip 10 reps (2111) 
D2) Ring row 10 reps (2112) feet on a box


  1. good luck buddy, hope you do well, and also if you hit a few PRs don't be afraid to go out and have 12 or 14 beers after, maybe give the rest of us weaker lifters a chance on Saturday.

  2. That vision of Alex in a onesie got me all amped up....
    A. Worked up to 145 but called out on depth
    B. 63, 73, 82 but only managed 4 at this weight. Didn't even attempt the 95% as my wrists were super sore from OHS and I did the wod first
    C. 19:39 and sub'd strict C2B for pull ups
    D. No time, sorry and I know I'm only cheating myself
