Monday, June 1, 2015

Tuesday June 2, 2015

A) 5x 3 position clean + 1 jerk after all 3 cleans. 
(Below knee, above knee, high hang)

B) barbell Cycling  
7 squat clean tap and go 135/95lbs
Rest 3 mins
6 squat clean tap and go 155/105
Res 3 mins
5 @ 185/125
Rest 3 mins 
4 @ 205/135

C) 21 min Emom Alternating 
Run 200m 
10-20ft handstand walk 
30 double unders + 6 burpees no jump at the top 

Accessory work 
D) Behind the neck press 
E) Crossover symmetry Scap Jacked 


  1. A) Worked up to 225, but failed on the high hang, mentally couldn't complete it.
    B) Complete
    C) Complete
    D) 10x4 Reverse Hyper, GHD and Sots

  2. A) worked to 155
    B) :19
    9:50-10:02 - Alex was the same for every set
    C)complete - last two rounds I finished the run just after a minute. HSW unbroken. John called me for no full extension on my last few burpees - sarry bout it.
    D) 35/55/65/75/75/attempted 85-- only got 1 rep
    E) complete

  3. A) Worked at 125 and wasn’t feeling comfortable with the jerk
    B) Failed my last rep of 135 even with out touch and go… mentally couldn’t get comfortable with it
    C) Complete, trouble with HSW but doing much better with Sarah’s help. Dbl unders doing better!
    D) 35/55/65/65/65
    E) complete

  4. A) Worked up too 245lbs. Tried 265lbs got all 3 cleans missed the jerk
    B1) 135lbs=19secs
    B2) 155lbs=16 secs
    B3) 185lbs = 15secs
    B4) 205lbs = 12secs
    C) Completed all runs were done under a minute and handstand walks were unbroken, all at 20ft
    D) 95/105/115/120/125. Tried to do 135lbs only got 3 reps
    E) Complete

  5. A. Did sets at 140 since my jerk needs work
    B. 20s 15s 15s 12s
    C. Complete. Subbed hspu for hsw (some strict some kip)
    D & E I'll do tomorrow on my lunch break
