Monday, June 22, 2015

Tuesday June 23, 2015

A) 15mins to find a 1RM clean and Jerk 

B) barbell cycling 
5 rounds 
12 deadlifts 
9 hang power clean
6 shoulder to overhead 
All at 155/105lbs
Rest 2 mins between rounds 
This means every round should be unbroken. Focus on smooth and fast transitions between lifts. 
Post each round score individually. 

C) 3 rounds for time 
15 strict dips 
15 strict chest to bars 

Accessory work
D) 5 sets of 
2 snatch balance with no dip + 2 behind the neck push press 


  1. A) 275lb C+J (285lb C)
    B) 1 - 0:49
    2 - 0:54
    3 - 1:20
    4 - 1:28
    5 - Clock got reset
    C) Forgot to start clock. Stopped after two rounds.
    D) 95-105-115-125-130

  2. A) 295lbs, Went for 305lbs 5 times, failed
    B) 1) 50sec
    2) 50sec
    3) 1:05
    4) 1:12
    5) 57sec
    C) 10:38
    D) Knee was bugging me so I did 5x3 BTN push press, worked up too 225lbs for 3
