Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday June 12, 2015

A) overhead squat 5x2 2201

B) Week 3 
 Close Grip Bench Press 8x3
(complete all sets with between 80-90% of your 1-RM) 
Rest 90-120 seconds 

Then . . . One set of: Close Grip Bench Press x 10 reps @ 65-70% of 1-RM

C) For time:
Row 2000 meters
20 Snatches 135/95lbs
60 Pull-Ups
20 Snatches
Row 2000 meters

Accessory work 
5 rounds alternating 
D1) weighted Ring Dip 5-6 reps (2111) 
D2) weighted pull-ups (supinated) 5-6 reps


  1. A) 95,105,110,115,120-1rep plus it's a PR!!!!
    C)25:36 minus the last row. Ran out of time.
    First time ever rowing 2000m straight.

  2. A) worked up to 195, failed 215
    B) 220
    C) 22;47 didn't get to do the final row, ran into class.

  3. A) 85, 105, 110, 110, 110
    B) 115
    C) 25:30, first time rowing that far, snatches at 85
    D) complete

  4. A) Worked up too 265x2, got 275lbs for 1, failed the second rep
    B) 8x3 @ 195lbs, last set did 165 for 10
    C) did a different wod with steve
    D) Completed at 55lbs

  5. A) 245x2
    B) 8x2 @ 190, then 155x10
    C) 26:31 (the last row was terrible)
    D) did twice as many reps at BW

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A) worked to 2 x 170
    B) 2 sets at 115/2 @ 120/ 2 @ 125/ 2 @ 130
    1 x 10 @ 100
    That's it that's all.
