Sunday, June 14, 2015

Monday June 15, 2015

The Granite Games Qualifier starts this week. The first wod is announce on wedneday. We will be programming them into the week. We will Create a community for everyone to sign up under this week. So SIGN UP!!! 

A) Backsquat 
5 sets of 5 reps tempo 3001
*stick to the tempo 

B) 5x3 position snatch 
(Below knee, above knee, high hang) 
Use straps 
Heavier then last week 

C) Snatch pull
10 min Emom 1 rep @110-115% of 1RM focus on positions. Not just standing the bar up. 

D) 6 rounds 
15 cal airdyne 
10 burpees over bar 
5 hang power snatch 135/95lbs (focus on quick barbell cycling) 
Rest 2mins between rounds 

Accessory work 
E1) pendlay row supine grip 3x8
E2) GHD back extensions with a barbell 45/35lbs 3x6-8 (2011)


  1. A) 120,130,140,150 (3reps, 2 reps) 155 (2reps, 2reps)
    B) was feeling really heavy this week

    D) 3:32 snatches at 80, 3:02 snatches at 80,
    3:19 snatches at 75, 3:03 snatches at 75, 2:56 at 75, 2:55 at 75

  2. a) 95, 125, 125, 125, 130
    b) 65, 75, 85, 85, 85
    c) Complete at 125
    d) 1:28, 4:48, 8:34, 12:22, 16:24, 20:34 (Snatch at 85)
    E1) Complete at 85
    E2) Complete 15lb, 25lb, 25lb

  3. A. 145-165-175-185-190

    B. Got to 95 successfully, which is heavier than last week. Got to 100 for the first two but failed on the high hang.

    C. Complete at 140

    D. 2:02 - 2:08 - 2:12 - 2:22 - 2:36 - 2:23 total time 23:54.. suuuuper gassed but I was pumped at how good the snatches felt!

    E1. Done at 85# or whatever Elise and Sarah did
    E2. Done with 35# barbell

  4. A) Worked up to 335lbs
    B) Worked up to 205lbs, tried to do 220lbs, missed the high hang
    C) Complete at 260lbs
    D) Total time was 21:38
    E1) done at 135lbs/155lbs/175/bs
    E2) Done with 45lbs barbell

  5. A) 255, 265, 275, 295, 305
    B) 145, failed 155.
    D) 1:42, 5:27, 9:24, 13:37, 18:03, 22:35
    E) reverse hyper x5

  6. A) 165-185-195-200-205
    B) 85-95-100-105-110
    C) complete at 175
    D) total time 24:29
    E) complete at 85
    D) complete
