Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monday June 8, 2015

A) Front rack Lunge 5x5 
5-10lbs heavier then last week 

B) 5x3 position snatch 
(Below knee, above knee, high hang) 
Use straps 
Heavier then last week 

C) Snatch pull
10 min Emom 1 rep @105% of 1RM focus on positions. Not just standing the bar up. 

D) 8 rounds 
5 snatch 135/95lbs 
6 burpees over bar 
7 chest to bar pull-ups 
Rest 1:30 between rounds 
Record and post all indivial round times. The idea is speed and consistency. Not 1 round in 48 seconds and the rest at 2 mins 

Accessory work 
E1) pendlay row supine grip 3x8
E2) GHD back extensions with a barbell 45/35lbs 3x6-8 (2011)


  1. A) was done after wod before accessory. Done at #185
    B) 165, 175, 180x3 sets(getting more comfortable with high hang)
    C) done at #225
    D) rnd one: 40s, rnd two: 45s, rnd three: 44s, rnd four: 46s, rnd five: 46s, rnd six: 47s, rnd seven: 47s, rnd eight: 56s
    E1) 135, 185, 135 (dropped back down to control and isolate more effectively)
    E2) 3x8 #45 bar

  2. D only: :58, 3:22, 5:51, 8:38, 11:41, 15:14, 18:57, 21:51

  3. A) Worked up too 265lbs
    B) Snatches went bad today, only got up too 185lbs, went for 205lbs only got the below the knee, failed the above the knee
    C) Skipped because wanted to do the wod with people then alone ill do the pulls on thursday
    D) 1) 36sec 2) 35sec 3) 44sec 4) 48sec 5) 46 6) 45sec 7) 45 8) 41 secs
    E1) 135lbs,155lbs and 165lbs
    E2) Done at 45lbs

  4. Today really sucked. RealiEd how much sleep and diet effect your work out.
    A) 105,125,140, attempted 150 - 1 rep twice
    Went down to 145 failed

    B) 55,65,75,85,85

    C) 105
    D) only did 4 rounds and snatches at 80
    Was super tired after the 4 rounds

