Sunday, June 21, 2015

Monday June 22, 2014

A) Backsquat 
5 sets of 4 reps tempo 3001
*stick to the tempo

B) 15 mins to find a 1 RM snatch 

C) 10 min Emom 
1 snatch pull at 120-125% of today's max snatch 

D) 5 rounds 
Row/airdyne 20 cals 
6 muscle ups 
6 power snatch 155/105lbs 
Rest 3 mins between rounds 

Accessory work 
E1) bent over row 4x8 pronated grip 2120
E2)4x  L sit 20sec hang from pullup bar 


  1. Re do of the granite games qualifier
    Got 6 RNDs plus 1 hang squat clean

    A) 125,135,145,155,160(2 reps)
    B) 95
    C) 120
    D) run 200 meter, 12 chest 2 bar, #75 for snatches
    E) no time

  2. A) 255, 275, 295, 305, 315
    B) Worked up to 205
    D) 3:05, 8:56, 15:21, stopped mid 4th - ripped

  3. A) 125, 130, 140, 145, 155
    B) 115
    C) 145
    D) Run 200m, 12 CTB, snatch @ 85lbs
    E) No time

  4. Redid the granite games wod first. Got 9+4burpees

    A) Worked up too 345lbs only got 2 reps
    B) Worked up too 220lbs
    C) Did 275lbs for 10 min mom
    D) Total time was 26:10
    E) Only did the L-Sit
