Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wednesday June 10, 2015

A) snatch grip RDL 
5x3 10lbs heavier per set from last week. 
Slow reps 

B) Pushpress 

2 min Amrap 
8 burpee box jumps 24/20
12 Dips 
14 chest to bar pull-ups 
16 kb swings 55/35lbs 
18 cal row 

Rest 3 mins 
4 min Amrap 
8 burpee box jumps 24/20
12 Dips 
14 chest to bar pull-ups 
16 kb swings 55/35lbs 
18 cal row

Rest 3 mins
6 min Amrap 
8 burpee box jumps 24/20
12 Dips 
14 chest to bar pull-ups 
16 kb swings 55/35lbs 
18 cal row

Rest 3 mins 
For time 
8 burpee box jumps 24/20
12 Dips 
14 chest to bar pull-ups 
16 kb swings 55/35lbs 
18 cal row

Record as 
C1 reps, C2 reps , C3 reps, C4 time

Accessory work 
D) Chinese plank 5x 30on 30off 


  1. A) 135-155-175-195-215
    B) did some lightish sets of back squats. Biceps and elbows are strained still from last Friday's 100 pull up wod. Painful to press and pull.
    C1) subbed pistols in for c2b & got to 7 pistols
    C2) subbed v ups in for c2b bc I hurt my knee in the first round of pistols....
    And subbed shuttle runs for row- got 5 lengths of the gym.
    C3) ran 200m instead of 18cal row and 8 burpee box jumps into the 2nd round
    C4) 21-25:59 (4:59)
    D) complete 4 x 45lbs 1 x 55lbs

  2. A) worked up to 271#
    B) did Chris' wod which sucked

  3. A) 125-155-175-185-190
    B) 95-105-115-125-130
    C1) 7 c2b
    C2) 3 lbs
    C3) 5:33
    C4) 6:20

    *note: my entire upper body is toast between yesterday and today. I also came to the realization that I have upgraded from the short person bar to a higher one. Yay.

  4. A) 145,155,165,175,185

    B) 105,110,115,120,125

    C1) 7c2b
    C2) 9 cal row
    C3) 4:55
    C4) 5:54

  5. A) Worked up to 285lbs
    B) Worked up to 225lbs
    C1) 16 kbs
    C2) 1 round
    C3) 1 round + 12 dips
    C4) 4:04

    D) Done at 55lbs, last set did at 70lbs

  6. A) done at 255
    C1) 1cal
    C2) 1rnd + 3dips
    C3) clock stopped when I got to the rower just finished with 1rnd
    C3) 4:17
