Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday may 1, 2015

A) front squat 2 rep max 

B) front squat 3x2 @90%of A

C) Strict Press 
 1 or more @ 95%

D)30min EMOM alternating
 minute 1: 30 DU 5 CTB 
minute 2: 5 Strict HSPU 4" 
Minute 3: 200m Sprint

E) optional 
5x Ring row 8 reps Tempo 2112
5x GHD sit up 6 reps Tempo 5000


  1. A) worked up to 175 ohs, and jumped to 205 and failed
    B) 155
    C) 135x5, 155x3, 185x1 - could have gone heavier
    D) Complete - did Kipling HSPU halfway through
    E) n/a

  2. Did max thruster with steve, got up too 255lbs, lbs

    A) Got up too 315lbs, only got 1

    B) 3x2 @285lbs

    C) 5 @145lbs, 3 @160 and 1 @185lbs, 15lbs pr

    D) Completed

    E) Only did the GHD sit-ups

  3. A. 205
    B. 185
    C. 75, 85, 92 x 1 only
    D. Completed with strict HSPUs with a positive 4" worth of ab mats :)
    E. Did the rows with tempo of 2112 because the other way felt "off"
