Monday, April 20, 2015

Tuesday April 21, 2015

A) Warm up 
3 Rounds not for time 
12 Pistols 
2 Pullups + 2 CTB + 2 Bar Muscle ups

B) 5x 1 Hang squat Clean 2 inches from the floor + 1 hang Clean 2" below knee

C) Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes: 
Odd Minutes - Row/AIrdyne 20-25 Calories 
Even Minutes - 3 Strict Muscle-Ups + 8 Ring Dips


  1. A) completed
    B) only got up to 205 failed 215 three times, 5 lbs less than last week.
    C) completed. Did regular muscle ups and 20 cal up to the 8th minute. After that was 10 to 15 cal. Kept the muscle ups and dips with no misses. That's a win for me.

  2. A) complete
    B) worked up to 285 but failed the second rep of the complex
    C) Did 50% of the workout @ 20 cal airdyne + 1 strict mu + 8 strict dips. The other 50% I scaled to 10 cal and 2 strict mu

  3. A) complete
    B) 225, 245, 250, 255(f) on second hand..continues to elude me
    C) my max strict is 3 so I decided to scale to 1 strict + 4dips, 20cal.. Did about 5mins of that then kept failing so did 3kipping + 4dips, 15cal. Pretty burned out today

  4. A) done. The last 2 rounds I did my MU unbroken
    B) worked up to 135lbs :)
    C) I rowed 10 cals instead of 20 and did 3 jumping MU

  5. A) Done
    B) First time doing this complex been busy for past two weeks and I didn't have enough time to do everything. Worked up too 275lbs, failed the 2 inches below the knee
    C) After 12-15 strict muscle ups 20 cals on the air dyne and 8 dips, couldn't do anymore after the 10 mins mark, so I did the other half with kipping muscles + 4 dips and 15 cals. Did 20-30 strict dips after

  6. A) done
    B) complex at 300 lbs
    C) done but had to kip the m-ups and missed some dips along the way. Went over time on the air dyne closer to the end, but not by much.

  7. A. I still can do pull ups (MY HANDS!) so I just did pistols
    B. Successful complex at 175, so a PR?! Tried at 180 and failed the second hang again
    C. It is impossible to row for 25 cal in one minute, so I did as many as I could (as high as 17 and as low as 9) couple with 24kg KB swings coz my hands again

  8. A) so fun. got into the rhythm of the c2b into the muscle up. Yay
    B) worked up to 165.
    C) was about 13-15 cal per minute on the row, and after my one successful ring muscle up in the first round..., I did 2 bar muscle ups and 4 ring dips on the other minutes.
