Monday, April 6, 2015

Tuesday April 7, 2015

A) 5x 1 Hang squat Clean 2 inches from the floor + 1 hang Clean 2" below knee

B) Three sets for times of:
4 Power Snatch 155/105lbs
8 Overhead Squat 155/105lbs 
12 6" Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds 

C) Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes:
Even Minutes - 10 Thrusters (135lb.) 
Odd Minutes - 30 Double Unders + 4 Muscle-Ups


  1. A) 135, 185, 205, 215, 215.
    B)Completed @ 105lbs, 18:22.
    C)Started out cutting the DU out.
    Scaled down to 5 thrusters @ 135 and 4 MU for the first 8' and dropped down to 3 thrusters and 2or3 MU for the second half. Hat off to people that can do this RX'd!!!

  2. A) 225, 255, 275, 285, 295 (f 2x)
    B) 3:57, 3:54, 5:03
    C) this was hard as shit! Managed 3 rounds of 10 thrusters, the rest were between 5-7. Could only manage 1 m-up per round.

  3. A)245(2), 250 (2), 255 but failed the second hang
    B) 1:25 (idk how), 3:15, 4:20
    C) did 3rnds unbroken like Johnny bravo but then resorted to 5-7thrusters everything else unbroken. Disgusting emom.

  4. A) 135/155/185/205/215 - last round I broke up

    B) 10:15/9:25/7:43 - scaled the weight at 135lbs. Legs and shoulders weren't used to this kind of weight for OHSq at first. So as i got looser, they got better.

    C) this emom was just mean...
    Only did 5 thrusters per round. And I added a minute of rest which turned this into a 24 emom. Then I laid on the floor for 20mins and contemplated life

  5. Bad idea starting a warm up with good mornings and progressing to heavy hang cleans..
    A. 135, 155, 160, 165, 170 (f x2 at second hang)
    B. I had to use the clock that had already started, 13:00-17:35, 19:35-26:18, 28:18- 33:55 PLUS I used the rig with bands to mimick strict HSPUS in end range
    C. This was love/hate...I only got to my "muscle up" station (rings with bands) at the first and last Minute, thrusters went consistently at 10, 10, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7....

  6. A) Skipped because came late today and I wanted to do the emom and the wod with people instead of by myself. I'll do it thursday
    B) Total time was 13:20
    C) First 4 rounds with unbroken thrusters, last 6 rounds did between 5-7 reps. Everything else was unbroken. This emom sucked

  7. A) 115/135/155/165/175--> only 2 inches above floor. This felt super super heavy today.
    B) 3:14/5:14- 9:06/11:06-17:13 :.
    C) I can't say I completed this. I tried. I only did 10 thrusters in the first minute. After that only 5-7. Started trying to do the 30 dubs then 1 muscle up but kept failing. Tried putting the muscle up first. Still failed. So went back to the dubs first and then the attempt. I was able to catch but never able to hold it and finish the dip.

  8. A)super slow build up in weight as the few of us that showed up to RCFEW were broken after Monday
    working sets were 185, 205, 215, 235(f) 235
    second rep at 235 was a rounded back,
    B)scalled the shit out of this one
    4 power cleans 155
    8 front squats 155
    30 second L sit hold
    1 10, 1 15, 125
    C)scale down to 16 min mobility work,

  9. A) worked up to 120lbs
    B) 13:33 with 65lbs with 6inch deficate HSPU
    C) 65lbs bar. Got all my thrusters and DU. 0-1 MU
