Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday April 6, 2015

The next few weeks will be a different style or programming since the Open is over. 
You will find Stength, skills and conditioning split up more into seperate parts. The idea behind this is to build strength, increase skill and increase cardio with each training aspect fousing on just that specific part. 
You will also find more accessory work. If you have specific Stength issues, you Should add in some strength accessory work of you own in your daily training. 
Do NOT cherry pick the training. It's really easy and fun to always pick the lifting parts. But if you want to improve you ability to do CrossFit, you have to improve your cardio. The open was a various intense test of many things, but cardio is heavily favoured. This is also a time to work on the reasons why you may suck as certain strength movements. Aka bad mobility. You can increase Stength in certain lifts without getting stronger, but by simply imporving mobility and flexibility. Aka overheadsquats/snatches. 

Please keep up with the posting. Post your weights used, not just "DONE". 

If you have not already, get signed up for the CFM RCFEW members comp. This will be your next test of your CrossFit abilities. Since we have more people on a competitive level this year, we want to make the RX'D divisions more well rounded in terms of difficulty. 

A) backsquat 
Quickly find a 5RM (this should not take a Long time, have a number in mind and try to hit it, don't make more then 2 attempts at a heavy 5) 
B) backsquat 
3x5 @90% of A. Rest 3-4 mins between sets 

C) 5x 1 Hang squat snatch 2 inches from the floor + 1 hang snatch above knee 

D) 5x3 snatch pulls @ 10-20lbs above your 1RM snatch. If you cannot maintain a technical snatch pull position lighten up. This is not simply to pull the weight, but to perfect bar path while getting Stronger. 
*Use straps 

E) Row 
30sec on 90sec off x 10
Record every round of Calories 


  1. A) 5 reps @ 205
    B) 3 x 5 @ 185 ✅ ✅✅
    C) 95/105/115/125/135/ 140 --> failed the above the knee one.
    D) 5 x 3 @ 160lbs
    E) 11/11/12/11/11/11/11/11/10/11

  2. A) 335 lbs. 20lb pr.
    B) 300lbs.
    C) 95, 115, 125, 135 & 135, failed the high hang.
    D) & E) Ran out of time.

  3. A) x5: 135, 185, 225, 260, 275, 315, 345
    B) 3x5 @ 310
    C) only did the knee hang, worked up to 165
    D) 235
    E) 20, 19, 18, 20, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16 = 172

  4. A) 150lbs 5rm
    B) 135lbs 3x5
    Skipped C) D) bc I didn't have time for everything.
    E) 7-7-8-7-7-7-6-7-7-8

  5. A) 315x5
    B) 3x5 @ 285
    C) 175x2
    185x1 (2inch off the ground only)
    D) 5x3 snatch pull at 2,350pm
    E) 16-16-16-14-15-12-11-13-14-14

  6. A) 385x5, 405x4
    B) 3x5 @350
    C) 165, 185, 195, 205(f), 205
    D) 5x3@ 265
    E) 15, 17, 18, 18, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17

  7. Started my first day of CP today, worst day to start because I hurt my lower back and hip over the weekend so had to take it easy on all of the steps today and worked a lot on mobility and technique. It sucked not being able to hit some of the numbers I was hoping for but I figured it was better safe than sorry.

    A) 265
    B) Did 1 set at 225 and then had to bring it down to save my aching back so did the remaining at 215.
    C) Did all sets at 95 lb again due to lower back, focused on technique.
    D) Did all sets at 95 lb. also did some snatch balances.
    E) 16, 15, 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 14, 14, 16

  8. A) 5 rep max 335lbs
    B) 3x5 315lbs
    C) Did 205lbs, tried 215 failed the hang snatch
    D) Skipped because need to work on my cardio more then my strengths
    E) 14/14/14/14/15/14/14/14/14/15 = 142

  9. A. 205, 225
    B. 205
    C. Wasn't sure if this was a working set or not, got up to 135 but failed
    D. Skipped not because I cherry pick but because last weeks pulls left My shoulders in flare up- laying off for now
    E. 13, 12, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10

  10. A) racks were full but did a shit ton of squats with be after
    C) full complex done at 195, got 205 just two inches above the floor, not from hang
    D) done at 255
    C)14 16 16 16 15 15 14 13 14 15

  11. A) worked up to 335 (decided to stop here should've been more aggressive perhaps)
    B) 3x5 #300
    C) 5x2 complex at #185 (quite a few fails not a good snatching day for me)
    D) 5x3 #225
    E) 17 17 16 15 15 15 15 14 15 14 (153)

  12. A)worked up to 5 reps at 285
    B)done at 260
    C)hit 195 successfully and just failed the second snatch at 205.
    D)done at 225, trying to keep form better and back flatish
    E)16, 18, 18, 16, 14, 16, 15, 16, 16, 15 (160)
    (the row was a great test of who had the biggest arms)

  13. A- got up to 305
    B- done at 180
    C - hit 175 but tweaked my shoulder
    D- skipped because of my shoulder
    E- 13 18 17 17 16 17 16 16 15 15
